Monday, July 22, 2013

Desperate Cooking: "EGGPLANT OMELETTE"

“Prepare me an eggplant dish that I could not refuse.” – a veggie challenge from my all-meat-lover hubby. “Of course!” – I then excitingly accepted the challenge, though a bit nervous. Hihihihi =P

So happy that he’s starting to reconsider veggies. That would be an advantage in teaching my sweetie baby to eat veggies too.

Okay, the hubby doesn’t like sautéed eggplant so an omelette was the next immediate option because I don’t really know other eggplant recipes hihihihih poor me! Mr. Google, here I come!

I then inquired Mr. Google after the hubby’s gone for work. Yes, yes! Eggplant omelette is simple but I just wanna make sure. Hihihihihi =P


  • 2 Asian eggplants
  • 2 eggs (preferably jumbo or large, grade A)
  • Salt
  • Pepper

  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Bake the Asian eggplants, whole, on a baking sheet for 30-35 minutes or until the eggplants are soft. If the eggplants are still too firm and resistant, bake for another 5-10 minutes. The eggplants will need to be soft enough to mash later.
  3. Remove the eggplants from the oven and allow them to cool until they are no longer too hot to touch.
  4. Peel off the eggplants' skins, but make sure the stem stays attached. One simple method is to use a knife to shallowly cut the skin around the top and peel it off in long strips with a fork and your fingers. The skin should come off easily. Be careful not to burn yourself if the eggplants are still hot.
  5. Mash the eggplants flat with a fork. If the flesh is still resistant and rubbery, then the eggplants were not baked long enough.
  6. Dash the eggplants with salt and pepper on both sides.
  7. Beat two eggs.
  8. Dip the eggplants in the beaten egg mixture. Use the stem as a handle to dip the eggplants. Make sure that the vegetables are liberally coated with egg.
  9. Fry the vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil, pouring the remaining portion of the egg mixture over the eggplants.
  10. Serve hot and enjoy!
thanks to 'WikiHow'

It should come out like this, but mine was a bit horrible. Hahahahaha! 

A little disaster for a starter. It looks awful but tastes fine, really. Hmmmm definitely gonna give more try's! A good taste and a better presentation should be something he couldn't refuse, right?

mine really needs a lot of improvement hihihi

Hmmm... do you know some techniques and/or unique veggie recipes? Please extend a bit of kindness to this desperately-cooking-wife-and-mama. Ahehee! =P

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