How do you feel when your man tells other people, "HONESTLY, I AM VERY BLESSED WITH MY WIFE."?
These words just makes my tears out of control and makes me strive more to be a better wife ^^,
I am not really a kiss-and-tell or post-it-on-Facebook type of person but I just couldn’t contain the joy inside of me (he actually said these exactly the same words to someone 2 weeks and 5 days ago). I love it more to hear from other people what lovely things they see in me or my family because I just find the reaction sweeter when someone finds it out for himself than when it is I who let somebody in on the facts, and also I fret to sound like bragging.
As I look back and see our four-year marriage, I am just filled with awe and gratefulness to the Almighty. Yes, its not perfect nor I can say it will be. We still have our ups and downs, love-hate responses, down-in-the-dumps moments, that I-hope-you-change thoughts and all that, but the Lord is gradually knitting our lives together perfectly. A the end of the day, we are just so blessed to know that our love for each other is on the rise and is continually refined by the Most Holy from up above.
And with conviction I can say that indeed I am truly blessed with my God-given husband! ^^,